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Formation Effective Writting

Du 7 octobre 2013 au 9 octobre 2013
De 08h00 à 17h00
Seminar room 1st floor - Collège doctoral européen

Date and place : 7, 8 AND 9 October 2013 - Seminar room 1st floor, Collège doctoral européen
The course lasts 3 days.

Programme : This course will enable you to write articles targeted for publication in scientific journals. You will develop useful vocabulary and style in order to write an article in English. The workshop is interactive, but note that each doctoral student works on his/her own article (you must therefore already be in the process of writing an article when you apply for the course). 
The trainer, who is a native-speaker of English, will provide one to one support.

Public : Priority given to doctoral students entering their 3rd year in the process of writing an article.

Registration : deadline 20 September 2013

All applicants must send a 5-line paragraph in English to the doctoral school explaining why they wish to follow this course.
As this course is very popular and limited to 9 people, registration will also be subject to the reception of an email from your PhD supervisor, supporting your application and noting that you will be out of the lab for the whole 3 days of the course.