École doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé
CDE - 46 Bd de la Victoire
F-67000 Strasbourg
Tél : +33 (0) 3 68 85 16 95
plan d'accès
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
ED Sciences Fondamentales et Santé
Caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle des adipocytes associés au cancer (AdipoCancer)
Lien : http://www.univ-reims.fr/recherche-et-valorisation/ecoles-doctorales/offres-de-these-sfs/offres-de-these-sfs,22326,37044.html
Euraxess: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/hosting/phd-positions-imibic-spain
The complete Call information is available at: www.inphinitlacaixa.org and https://hosts.lacaixafellowships.org/finder
15 PhD positions available in the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) META-CAN
Location: Barcelona (Spain), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Toulouse, Paris and Nice (France), Haifa (Israel), Leuven (Belgium), Vienna (Austria).
Project background and goal
While extremely diverse in origin, all cancer cells show common features of profound metabolic changes and escape from the immune system. It is now obvious that metabolic adaptations are not limited to glucose metabolism (Warburg effect) but are more general and affect several metabolic pathways in cancer cells but also in immune cells. Understanding how metabolism can affect tumor cells and the anti-cancer immune response therefore represents a potential therapeutic intervention point that can be exploited to develop novel therapies and new diagnostic and prognostic markers for a wide range of tumors. However, the development of therapies targeting metabolism is hampered by the shortage of scientists with interdisciplinary training that can navigate with ease between academic, industrial and clinical sectors and have the scientific and complementary skills to convert research findings into commercial and clinical applications. This network provides a pan-European interdisciplinary and intersectoral training programme of excellence bringing young researchers together with world-leading academics, clinicians and industry personnel. As part of the research training, the consortium will conduct a set of hypothesis-driven research projects focusing on ONE question: how metabolism is associated with modulation of cell death susceptibility and the immune response in the context of cancer.
more info on : http://metacan.eu/
Pour toute demande de renseignement complémentaire, merci de contacter :
François LANZA
UMR_S 949 Inserm
Université de Strasbourg
10, rue Spielmann - BP 36
67065 Strasbourg Cedex
+33 3 88 21 25 25