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Renewal of enrolment

Annual renewal of enrolment in the Doctoral School

The typical length of a doctoral thesis is three years. An extension can be granted by the head of the University. The candidate should submit a justification for an extension, which needs to be approved by the PhD supervisor. The director of the Doctoral School can then apply for an extension with the head of the University. (Decree from August 7th, 2006 a. 15).

The administrative enrolment has to be renewed every year (decree from August 7th, 2006 a. 14). Students who fail to enroll will be considered as having abandoned their thesis. Accordingly, the PhD thesis can only be submitted if the candidate has been registered for the current year.

Annual renewal of enrolment 2022-2023

Only your ERNEST account work for this application.

You all have a ERNEST account that was created when you registered at the university and you have to activate if it is not done yet.

If you have problems, please contact IP from the University, you can call or send an email : support@unistra.fr

Registration campaign 2023-2024

REMINDER about process :

Re-enrolment for a doctorate is a two-stage process :

  1. an application for admission to be made on Amethys before August 31, 2023,
  2. administrative registration (IA) before September 30, 2023,

From now on, depending on your case (see below), you will have to upload the documents on Amethis.

If you enroll in :

  • 2nd year : a progress report on your work (2-3 pages max.), CSI report signed by all relevant authorities, funding certificate,
  • 3rd year : a progress report (2-3 pages max.), CSI report signed by all relevant authorities, certificate of funding,
  • 4th year and more : a progress report (2-3 pages max.), a CSI report signed by all the relevant authorities, proof of funding, a provisional defense schedule and a letter from your thesis supervisor justifying your request for re-registration as a doctoral student,

WARNING : No re-enrollment will be validated by the doctoral school without a CSI report.

⚠️ ⚠️Doctoral students planning to defend their thesis before December 31 of the current academic year are exempt from registration fees. It is nevertheless necessary to submit an application for admission on Amethys and to fill in the form below. ⚠️ ⚠️


Formulaire de demande d’inscription avec exonération 2023/2024