École doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé
CDE - 46 Bd de la Victoire
F-67000 Strasbourg
Tél : +33 (0) 3 68 85 16 95
plan d'accès
The CSI booklet will accompany you throughout your doctorate. It will record your trainings, expert and ED feedback. As a result, the reports for the 1st, 2nd and any subsequent years will be recorded in a single file. The CSI booklet can be downloaded below.
Reminder of the ED regulations
The individual thesis follow-up committee (CSI) is defined by “ Article 13 de la loi de 25 mai 2016, modifié par l’article 11 de l’arrêté du 26 Août 2022 and by the Doctorate Charter of the Universities of Strasbourg and Haute Alsace”.
According to the law “The Individual thesis follow-up committee (CSI) provides support to the PhD candidate throughout the duration of the PhD preparation. It meets obligatorily before each next year registration until the end of the PhD. »
Extract of the law
« Les modalités de composition, d'organisation et de fonctionnement de ce comité sont proposées par le conseil de l'école doctorale. L'école doctorale veille à ce que dans la mesure du possible, la composition du comité de suivi individuel du doctorant reste constante tout au long de son doctorat. Le comité de suivi individuel du doctorant comprend au moins un membre spécialiste de la discipline ou en lien avec le domaine de la thèse. Dans la mesure du possible, le comité de suivi individuel du doctorant comprend un membre extérieur à l'établissement. Il comprend également un membre non spécialiste extérieur au domaine de recherche du travail de la thèse. Les membres de ce comité ne participent pas à la direction du travail du doctorant. L'école doctorale veille à ce que le doctorant soit consulté sur la composition de son comité de suivi individuel, avant sa réunion. »
At Doctoral School for Life Sciences and Health, ED414
The composition of the CSI is defined at first registration and is recorded in the individual training agreement (CIF). The CSI is composed of two experts, one is an expert in the field of the PhD project and the other is an experienced PhD supervisor that can be an expert or not in the field. They are not involved in the PhD project and can be from University of Strasbourg or from another French or foreign university. At least one of the experts holds an HDR. The experts are chosen jointly by the DT (thesis director) and the PhD candidate. Ideally, the composition of the CSI is stable throughout the duration of the PhD preparation, but it can be exceptionally modified, the modification being reported in the CIF.
Extract of the law
« Les entretiens sont organisés sous la forme de trois étapes distinctes : présentation de l'avancement des travaux et discussions, entretien avec le doctorant sans la direction de thèse, entretien avec la direction de thèse sans le doctorant. »
« Au cours de l'entretien avec le doctorant, le comité évalue les conditions de sa formation et les avancées de sa recherche. Lors de ce même entretien, il est particulièrement vigilant à repérer toute forme de conflit, de discrimination, de harcèlement moral ou sexuel ou d'agissement sexiste. Il formule des recommandations et transmet un rapport de l'entretien au directeur de l'école doctorale qui en prend connaissance et le retourne au doctorant et au directeur de thèse pour signature. »
« En cas de difficulté, le comité de suivi individuel du doctorant alerte l'école doctorale, qui prend toute mesure nécessaire relative à la situation du doctorant et au déroulement de son doctorat. »
At Doctoral School for Life Sciences and Health, ED414
A meeting of the CSI will be organized during the first and second year of PhD between March and Mai. Ideally the meeting is hold in presential, however visioconference is accepted. After the scientific presentation (talk and questions from the committee members), the CSI assesses with the PhD candidate: his takeover of the research project, the progress of the work and the training conditions. An individual interview is made, on the one hand, with the PhD candidate and on the other hand with the PhD supervisor. The CSI has to be particularly vigilant in identifying any form of conflict, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment or sexist behavior. Following the presentation & discussion and interviews, a written report (according to the downloadable form, lien internet) [MOU1] is drafted by the experts. It must contain the recommendations of the CSI on the continuation of the PhD work and is signed only by the CST experts before sending to the Doctoral School (ed414@unistra.fr). The Doctoral School direction takes note of it, makes comments and sends back to the PhD candidate, the PhD supervisor(s) and the unit director. The report is mandatory for each next year registration until PhD defense.
In accordance with the law, the CSI contacts the Doctoral School direction in case of difficulties.
Extract of the law
« La préparation du doctorat, au sein de l’école doctorale, s’effectue en règle générale en trois ans en équivalent temps plein consacré à la recherche. Des prolongations annuelles peuvent être accordées à titre dérogatoire par le chef d’établissement, sur proposition du directeur de thèse et après avis du CST et du directeur d’école doctorale, sur demande motivée du doctorant ». (Article 14 de la loi de 25 mai 2016).
At Doctoral School for Life Sciences and Health, ED414
According to law, the PhD duration is fixed to three years. However, the PhD period can be extended to a 4th year by way of derogation accorded by the president of the university. To this end, during the third year, an additional meeting of the CSI will be organized between March and May to rule (1) on the need for an additional year depending on the progress of the work and (2) on the provisional schedule for the defense. A letter of the PhD supervisor and the unit director as well as a proof of funding will complete the demand.
For PhD candidates working part time as a salaried professional in the field of the doctoral school (medical doctors, clinicians, teachers, etc.), the duration of the thesis may be extended to 6 years. In this case, the CSI will meet every year.
When establishing your Individual Training Agreement (CIF), you designate, in agreement with your thesis director (DT), the 2 expert members who will participate in your individual thesis follow-up committee (CSI), contact them to inform them.
Between March and May of your first year, you are required to organize your first meeting with your meeting with your CSI, in the presence of your PhD supervisor/co-supervisor. At the end of this meeting, the CSI will appreciate the progress of your training and the progress of your work. It will issue an advisory opinion on the relevance of your registration in the 2nd year of your thesis. The CSI report, filled and signed by the experts will be directly sent to the ED secretariat of the Doctoral school (ED) as soon as possible: ed414@unistra.fr.
The reception and the analysis of the CSI report by the ED board conditions the authorization to register in the 2nd year.
Between March and May of your second year, you are required to organize your first meeting with your meeting with your CSI, in the presence of your PhD supervisor/co-supervisor. At the end of this meeting, the CSI will appreciate the progress of your training and the progress of your work. It will issue an advisory opinion on the relevance of your registration in the 3rd year of your thesis. The CSI report, filled and signed by the experts will be directly sent to the ED secretariat of the Doctoral school (ED) as soon as possible : ed414@unistra.fr.
The reception and the analysis of the CSI report by the ED board conditions the authorization to register in the 3rd year.
No CSI meeting needed, but your registration is mandatory and free of charge if your defense is scheduled between October 1st and December 31st of the current year. The authorization to defend has to be submitted in May of the current year.
As a reminder: " La préparation du doctorat, au sein de l'école doctorale, s'effectue en règle générale en trois ans en équivalent temps plein consacré à la recherche…. Des prolongations annuelles peuvent être accordées à titre dérogatoire par le chef d'établissement, sur proposition du directeur de thèse et après avis du comité de suivi et du directeur d'école doctorale, sur demande motivée du doctorant " (Article 14 of the law of May 25, 2016 ).
Between March and May of your 3rd year, you are required to organize your third meeting with your CSI. At the end of this meeting, the CSI will appreciate the progress of your training and the progress of your work. It will issue an advisory opinion on the relevance of your registration in the 4th year of your thesis. The CSI report, filled and signed by the experts will be directly sent to the ED secretariat of the Doctoral school (ED) as soon as possible : ed414@unistra.fr.
In addition to the reception and analysis by the ED board of the CSI report favorable to the re-registration, a proof of funding for the 4th year and a letter from the thesis director, co-signed by the unit director, motivating the request for a derogation will condition the authorization of registration in the 4th year.
The PhD duration can be extended to 6 years. However, a CSI meeting has to be organized every year, following the previously mentioned rules.