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Ecole Universitaire de Recherche IMCBio

EURIDOL (Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur la Douleur) is a Graduate School of Pain offering an integrated 5-year Master and PhD training program for highly motivated students aiming to work in the field of Pain Research.

Master students are registered at the Faculty of Life Sciences or psychology, University of Strasbourg (Unistra), and follow an initial Master training in Neuroscience or psychology with specific EURIDOL teaching modules. Doctoral students are registered at one of the Unistra doctoral schools and carry out their thesis in one of the EURIDOL research teams.

The objective of EURIDOL is to offer a training-research program on pain and its treatments. The program includes 19 research teams from 10 laboratories of excellence gathered in a research consortium on pain, the Euridol Pain Initiative


EURIDOL research teams at a glance

Institute of Cellular & Integrative Neuroscience (INCI)

Laboratory of Cognitive and Adaptive Neuroscience (LNCA)

Laboratory for Therapeutic Innovation (LIT)

Laboratory of Design and Application of Bioactive Molecules (CAMB)

Biotechnology and Cellular Signaling (BSC)

Sports and Social Sciences (E3S)

Subjectivity, Social Link & Modernity (SuLiSoM)

Interdisciplinary Laboratory in Cultural Studies (LinCs)

National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM U1114)

National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM CIC1434)

EURIDOL is supported by the University of Strasbourg as part of the Excellence Initiative, in partnership with the CNRS and the INSERM. The 3 partners contribute to the training and research programme by allowing young researchers to be trained “in research through research” in their laboratories. In addition, the Graduate School has a strong collaboration with the Strasbourg University Hospitals.

To address the complexity of pain, training favours transverse interactions between disciplines. To reach excellence, it gathers the best researchers in fundamental and clinical neuroscience, in pharmacochemistry and in humanities and social sciences. It also includes health professionals, patient organisations and industrial partners.

The EURIDOL program is open to national and international students. It favours existing bridges for MD students and, beyond neuroscience and medicine, favours the integration of students coming from other disciplines.

EURIDOL is part of the French Network of Graduate Schools ("Réseau des EURs de France"). Founded in 2018, EURIDOL is one of the three pillars of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Strasbourg (ITI NeuroStra).


Mission & Vision

EURIDOL is mainly aimed at students who wish to obtain a doctorate in neuroscience by carrying out an interdisciplinary research project on pain.

During the master study, the “research through research” training programme is taught in English, the working language of our discipline. Semester after semester, the "pain" specific training becomes the majority, allowing all students to begin their doctoral studies with a solid basic knowledge in neuroscience and pain. It is also possible to enter the Graduate School at the beginning of the doctorate through our calls for applications (attractiveness), after examination of the candidate's critera of excellence. The doctoral work is then carried out in one of the laboratories of the Strasbourg Pain Initiative, the EURIDOL research consortium.

EURIDOL's main objective is to train young researchers to become the future generation of leaders in pain research.

The success of the EURIDOL project is based first and foremost on the excellent research conducted in the laboratories of the University, the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research).

The work of the teams gathered in the "Strasbourg Pain Initiative" consortium is interdisciplinary in nature, but also cross-sectoral. The interdisciplinarityalso feeds the quality of the training in its content and

in the implementation of innovative teaching practices. Highly attractive, EURIDOL offers a training-research continuum between the master's degree and the doctorate, by reinforcing "apprenticeship by companionship"

  • through numerous internships offered by the laboratories,
  • by providing student tutoring by students, and
  • by facilitating exchanges between young researchers and their supervisors.



Pierrick POISBEAU (school director)


Meggane MELCHIOR (school deputy director)


Lucie DALESE (school manager)



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