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Intellectual Property Rights

From November 7, 2013 until November 8, 2013
From 08:00 until 17:00
Auditorium ground floor - Collège doctoral européen

Intellectual Property Rights: Patent, Trademark, Design: Intellectual Property Rights: an introduction and a practical guide.
The course lasts 2 days
Date and place: 7, 8 November 2013 - Auditorium ground floor, Collège doctoral européen
Programme: This course aims to familiarize natural scientists, life scientists and engineers with matters of IP rights, generally, and patents, trademarks, designs, especially. You will learn :

  • what IP rights are for;
  • which role IP rights play in a scientist's professional life; 
  • and some practical guidance on how to proceed to obtain an IP right after having made a technical invention will also be given.

Targeted participants: Priority will be given to doctoral students in their 2nd year or above.
Enrolment: deadline 20 october 2013.
If you wish to attend this course, please note that you should send a 5-line email explaining your interest to the Ecole Doctorale and that you should ask your PhD supervisor to support your application by sending us a message to this effect.