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Individual doctoral training agreement

Individual doctoral training agreement

The individual training agreement (CIF) allows each PhD student to enrich his skills in parallel with his research activity by validating a minimum of 108 hours of training divided between:

  • 54 hours of disciplinary training related to his scientific practice and covering a minimum of three different themes or actions. These disciplinary trainings include for example the ImageJ, microscopy, biostatistics training organized by the doctoral school (DS), the training in animal experimentation proposed by the DS, the scientific MOOCs (excluding integrity), participation in scientific events (congresses, thematic schools, workshops).
  • 54 hours of transversal training covering a minimum of three different themes or actions and allowing to acquire complementary skills relating to communication or scientific mediation, intellectual property and the creation of companies, the construction of the professional project, the opening to the socio-economic world, the learning of French as a foreign language, etc.

 In addition to this minimum of 108 hours of training, each PhD student will validate:

  • 1 national or international congress including the presentation of his work (oral or poster).  
  • Training in research ethics which is mandatory to support a doctoral thesis (Art. 3 of the decree of 25 May 2016 establishing the national framework of training and the modalities leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma).
  • The MOOC “scientific integrity” with presentation of the certificate of completion.

Special cases

PhD students in co-supervision validate 27 hours of disciplinary training and 27 hours of transversal training, 1congress, ethics training and the MOOC “integrity” as defined above.

PhD students working part-time in a professional activity related to their training (medical doctors, psychologists, teachers...) are exempted from validating the hours of transversal training but are encouraged to follow them. The 54 hours of disciplinary training remain mandatory.


Validation of disciplinary and transversal training

The 54 hours of disciplinary or transversal training constitute a minimum required for the thesis defense, but all the training courses followed (with equivalence already existing  on  AMETHIS  or  not) and deemed relevant by the DS will be validated within the framework of the individual training agreement of each PhD student.

Examples of validation of training are given in the table below, the number of hours validated remaining at the discretion of the DS.


Examples of hours counting


Transversal Training


Member of an ethics committee (like CREMEAS) and actively participating in evaluation processes

This participation is validated (after presentation of certificate) as transversal training within the limit of one third of the total training hours (i.e. 18 hours)

Participation in the organization of a scientific event (retreat, congress, workshop, “Fête de la Science”, “semaine du cerveau” ...)


! Department meetings and/or Lab meetings are not counted !

Is recognized as a transversal formation. Participation allows the validation of 4 hours for a one-day event (2 hours for a half-day event). Validated hours can be conjugated to disciplinary hours if a scientific presentation (oral, poster) is performed during the event.

MOOC on transversal topics

Validation up to 10h per MOOC, limited to half of the total hours of transversal training (27h). Proof of attendance and validation required.

Presentation of scientific work during science popularization events

Validation up to 2 hours per event.


Disciplinary Training


Participation in a scientific event

A fee of 7 hours of disciplinary training per day. No additional hours allocated for an oral or posted presentation.

Master course follow-up

10 hours of disciplinary training maximum, with proof of attendance (attendance certificate signed by the teacher in charge of the module) accompanied by a letter from the thesis supervisor justifying the need to follow this course for the doctoral student.

Scientific MOOC

Validation up to 10h per MOOC, limited to half of the hours of disciplinary training (27h). Proof of attendance and validation required.


Validation up to 30 hours per diploma, if the field corresponds to the thematic scope of the doctoral school

Initial training in animal experiments, "designer" level

30h validated.

Training in experimental surgery

30h validated.


Not subject to any validation


MOOC "integrity in research professions"

This MOOC is mandatory and necessary for new registration. It does not lead to any validation

Training fully dedicated to specialized software such as GraphPrism,  Icy (except in the frame of a more global topic like statistics).

Not validated owing to software accessibility and/or possibility to be trained in the host laboratory.

Diploma or compulsory training such as training in quality control in industry, training in clinical research, training of investigators in clinical trials...

Although these training courses can promote professional integration, they do allow any validation.


Internship in a research laboratory different from the host laboratory.

This type of internship is an integral part of the research project and will be validated at the level of professional experience. Consequently, visits in other laboratories are not recognized as hours of scientific or socio-professional training.

Any request for registration or validation of a training is made by the AMETHIS interface.

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